The pretty smooth mane at will makes you want, but your hair does not allow it. If you can't change their nature, there are lots of tricks to discipline them. Care, cut, accessories ... These few tips should help you tame them.
Find the right haircut We can not fight against her hair nature, however we can sublimate it with a suitable haircut. If you have thick hair and you dream of taming your frizz, opt for a short cut or a tapered square. Use disciplining styling products As for styling products, there are many treatments that discipline the hair before or after styling. Spray, mist or even detanglers can be used on wet or dry hair. Most of them also have agents that take care of the fibers and hydrate the lengths.
Become the smoothing pro Finally, daily or occasionally you can use a hair styling device such as a straightening iron or a blow dryer accompanied by a flat bump to smooth your lengths. Be careful not to over-sensitize your hair by opting for a too high temperature. In public transport, at the office and even on vacation, our hair is suffocated by heat and pollution. Oily scalp, frizz, loss of volume, dry ends buy human hair wigs uk ... Not easy to look haired with all these inconveniences. Here are some tips and ideas for refreshing hairstyles to look good.